Monday, September 21, 2009
I believe Obama did the correct thing
Sunday, September 20, 2009
DON'T Blame Obama!
Also blame the problem on the GREED of Americans, individuals as well as Investors and corporations.The bad of using Credit Card and investing in High risk ventures.Every one of have contributed. Spending irrationally is the cause and effect.
The republican party speifically Phile Graham,John McCain and Tom Delay and the continuing resolution that allowed Big banking ans\d Wall Street to operate like global gambling casinos.
George Bush headed the gang of twelve that did this..
And not only them, lso the current members of the US congress have shown just how corrupt they are. Chris Dodd and Barny Franks have shown they are both bought and paid for. Blame them as well.
For many it's far easier to blame Obama, it seems that Obama haters can't decide whether to call him a socialist or a fascist. Or maybe their just to confused as to what it all means.
Republicans want to be taken seriously? You can start by stopping this constant shriek of socialist-marxist-communist-nazi. It really, really makes you all look dumb as rocks. Desperate and dumb.
When you all are ready to talk like adults again, Americans will listen. If not, don't bother me.
The Republican's "Obama Must Fail" strategy didn't work?
Shucks, It looks like the Big assed Glenn Beck and El Rushbo will have to shut their fat gobs - to the relief of all.
The real reason for the rage: Americans aren't racist - they're just furious at Obama and Washington
This is correct. Every president and former president deserves respect because of the office he holds or held. Respect does not equate to high regard, however. I can be respectful to someone I disdain. That does not mean I have to reserve criticism
Saturday, September 19, 2009
White people hate to admit that they've done something racist
When these racist actions happen, most white Americans will do almost anything to deny that what they did,
I'm Black and I'm Proud And I'm Glad That I Am Not White
I have had some white folks come up to me and criticize me and say that I must hate being black! And when I'd ask why thet would say such a stupid thing .. They would say "well you don't act black".. Now how do I act black? I cant help it if I don't like hip hop/rap, like to read, and don’t speak in rap rhyme! In fact I have been called an Oreo by friends of mine.
So yes, I'm Black and I'm Proud And I'm Glad That I Am Not White.
Friday, September 18, 2009
What is wrong with black men these days?
You will never find a white women that will be your soul mate like a black women will.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Palestinians need a Home Land Also
The White House has announced that the US president will host three-way talks with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Tuesday.
Barack Obama is due to meet Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, separately before the three go into a joint session, the White House said.
The meeting is expected to take place in New York before a session of the United Nations General Assembly, the White House said, "to lay the groundwork for the relaunch of negotiations, and to create a positive context for those negotiations so that they can succeed".
Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian chief negotiator, welcomed Obama's personal involvment in the peace process, but indicated low Palestinian expectations for a positive outcome.
"At this point, I think President Obama must convey to the world that one side is undermining efforts to resolve the peace process," he told Al Jazeera on Sunday.
"This meeting is not about resuming negotiations. I don't think we will come out of this meeting with Netanyahu agreeing to resume negotiations or stop settlement expansion."
TPalestinians feel that we have met a lot of our obligations under previous commitments and agreements and phase one of the road map [for peace].
"Israel so far has failed to meet any of their obligations."
Areikat said that the efforts of the Obama administration were encouraging but "we will have to see what kind of discussions we will have on Tuesday
Monday, September 7, 2009
Does Israel have the right to exist?
And by the way are you a Palestinian Nakba denier?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
President Obama's Address to America's Students: Is The Right Message
school children isn't new, but it's only a good use of the office if executed with a
clear vision. That vision should not be blurred by overzealous staffers who counseled
teachers to use the speech to focus on President Obama himself and not on the nation's
We have a generation of kids that are more aware of their world than any in history.
They need to hear that there are things we can do to fix schools, from rewarding great
teachers, to closing failing schools, making sure standards are high, creating bold,
expansive new schools of choice for students, and generally recognizing that no one
size fits all students anymore.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Lets get out of Afghanistan, and Iraq
Frankly, I don’t give a damn about them. . But, I do care about American lives and the rights of women. It is incomprehensible to waste American lives fighting the Taliban to protect a regime that looks an awful lot like the Taliban. If women are not equal partners, let’s pack up and leave.
Of course, the current situation traces back to President George W. Bush as most of President Obama's problems do.