Thursday, March 11, 2010


First and foremost, let me say welcome back to all previous readers and hello to some new ones.
I grew up in a mostly, but not entirely Black neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York but I didn't experience racism until I was about 5 years old and started going to school, a white school. I was always a well liked smart kid who was really very good at sports, just about all sports and I was given a hard time by my fellow whites because I was much better then they were. . I had a hard time reasoning why someone would automatically respond to me this way when all I did was show up, with the other kids and try my best to play my best.. But that's the way it was. It was oblivous that it was a color difference when it came to whites, and as I grew older I was known as the "chocolate man" . This did not mean I hated whites or disliked them. I just was more conscious of life's affects on our people and advocated for change. I still can't understand how people hate on site, but I know that in my case this was true.
My greatest attributes threaten me in an America which does not want me that way. I am strong, confident, a leader, a father of many children in my community (3 mine, ad a few others fathered by others), I am and I have always been a success in my endeavors, a life a of service, educated at one of the the top universities in America, a veteran of the United States Army, an officer who commanded 200-300 combat soldier, the son of an professional Army man, a business man, but most importantly, I am the LORD's man.

One of the best things that happened in my life time was to see a Black Man who said "Hey, I'm a Black Man become the President of these United States. Yes, Barack Obama's election as the first Black President was a wonderful thing to happen in my life time to me. Not just as a Black Man, but as an American.
Who would have thought!
In conclusion I would say that it should not really surprise anybody that Barack Obama won the presidential election for this was long in coming.
I pray that GOD gives him wisdom to make good and right choices for all Americans, Protect him from all Harm and Peace within his self. After all he is Only a BLACK MAN trying to make it right for us all.

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