Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't Blame Obama, the Jews Responsible for the Recession.

I truly believe that the recession is neither Bush's nor Obama's fault, although I would put a substantial portion of blame on the Fed mostly mostly the Jewish bankers like Greenspan for keeping interest rates so low as to encourage too much private debt. A more honest assessment of how we got to where we are would be to blame Barney Frank for encouraging and rewarding risky home loans to unqualified borrowers. Also "irrational exuberance" in the ability of the US economy to create high rates of return for all the money pouring into Wall Street from IRA's and foreign creditors based on the false belief that there is no limit to our ability to innovate. And add Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz to the list. , ,,

My Thoughts

I'm more of a cultural purist than racist but I agree with most racist philosophies outside of the blacks are inferior stuff..I don't believe whites are inferior. In fact I have many white friends