Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DON’T Be Fooled By Scott Brown's Victory. Republicans, your true red, WHITE, and blue colors are showing.

There is absolutely no question that we need health care reform and we need it now.
This is what Obama campaigned on and what the American people voted for. Michael Steele needs to cancel his own health insurance and stand in the shoes of those who are paying a bloody fortune (if they can afford it at all) for the luxury of health insurance. If you are not on the side of the people who want, and need, lower health insurance premiums than you are not for capitalism at its best. Walk the walk in the people's shoes , Mr. Steele. You are nothing but a Uncle Tom and a stooge for people like Rush Limburger.
Let's face it, there is more support for Barack Obama's health care bill than George W Bush had for invading Iraq!
Just as with the Iraqi War and terrorism, the GOP is playing on people's fears about health care.

And as for the Wall Street Fat Cats, they have screwed Obama backwards, forwards and sideways -which is what they have been doing to the rest of us for years. So, Mr. President - just whack them that is all they get-being whacked and losing money. Anything else is weakness in their eyes.
Let's talk a bit about Massachusetts. Wasn't it just those illiterate racist good old boy white males who spread all those lies about Obama and Martha Coakley that put Brown over the top? I think they played a big part in that. And face it, Coakley was a lousy candidate to begin with, she was an absolutely horrible candidate who stuck her foot in her mouth every time she opened it.. Obama's going to Mass. had nothing to do with her failure. . I didn't see George W. Bush and his great achievements going there to help out Scott Brown, did you?
The thought that it was all about Obama, is just wishful thinking on the Republican's part. That simply was not the case.
All I can tell you is to try composing a list of George Bush's achievements and see where it gets you.

Say what you will for the GOP, but those guys (and they are, mostly, guys and mostly white) know how to go for the freakin' jugular. What I despise about them is that it is usually the carotid of the poor, of minorities, of women, of anyone more interested in making the world a better place instead of merely making more money.

Nevertheless, I wish the Dems could borrow a bit of that ruthlessness and put it to good use.

So as I said, to you Republicans, your true red, WHITE, and blue colors are showing.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Are Jewish people white?

Are Jewish people Caucasian, Eurasian or another ethnic race ?
When I lived in Detroit, and they had a "people of color festival" here which included Jewish dancers. Why would they consider themselves white if they were part of this "people of color" festival?
Besides, there is that Youtube video of the Jew standing next to Nelson Mandela in South Africa singing songs in front of a grave. The lyrics to the "liberation" song make mention of killing whites. I think a real determination can be made from this.

If you say that "Jewish is a religion," then how can you explain the DNA studies linking Jews to one-another? Besides, it doesn't take a DNA study to realize that certain physical traits are more commonly found on Jews than whites. ie. large noses, curly dark hair, olive skin.
I am not trying to rattle anyone's cages or trying to cause trouble i have a little interest in anthropology

Monday, January 18, 2010

There are plenty of white people who really do not understand race

What is incredibly lacking is someone to explain to white people, in a way they understand, that the actions were racist.
There are plenty of white people who really do not understand race, they do stupid things, get in trouble, and they do not learn the real reason why. What happens is they blame the "PC" police and become more entrenched in their ignorance.
Just like any child, punishment without teaching will only breed resentment.