Friday, November 27, 2009

Don't blame Obama for the security foul up

The security breach has caused hand-wringing inside the White House, bewilderment among Tuesday night's guests -- and late on Friday, prompted an apology from the Secret Service.
It has yet to be confirmed but that isn't the problem. The problem is that this couple was able to go to a State Dinner WITHOUT INVITATION. They should be prosecuted. Maybe if the story is true about being friends, they won't be so interesting to hear them in an interview, for which they are demanding about $500,000 or $600,000. Kick them to the curb.
I'm sure people will blame Obama for this gaffe but Obama isn't the one running the Secret Service. Obama doesn't pick who will protect a president and who won't. Read "In the President's Secret Service." The Secret Service. are totally to blame for this breach.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello my good friends in the blogosphere!

For the past few months or so, I have taken the blogging a bit slower. I have moved to a new city, New York and I started a new position.. One that demands most of my time for the moment. I miss the daily interaction in the blogging world, but my spare time belongs to my wife! So, for the next several months I will be blogging and comments only on a here and there basis. And will hopefully become re-engaged with blogging when time once again permits. For now, I am reading , and hanging out with my gorgeous wife. See you all soon.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I believe Obama did the correct thing

Leaders of different countries around the world rally to attract the Olympics to come to their cities. What is wrong for President Obama to rally to attract the Olympics to Chicago. The President has a home in Chicago. If McCain was President he would be doing the same thing. There is nothing illegal what the President is doing. I understand some people don't want the olympics for different reasons. Where I lived one time we all wanted the Olympics to come to our region in Texas. But the Dallas City council voted down the whole thing. If people in Chicago didn't want the Olympics to come I believe it might just be too light to convince the City of Chicago to cancel the bid. I as an American want to see the summer Olympics to come to America even if it is in Chicago. The people of Chicago were too lazy into Convincing the city of Chicago to Cancel its bid and people will face the Consequences. I believe he did the correct thing.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

DON'T Blame Obama!

Sure, it's easy to blame it on the black guy, that always seems to work! But no he is the person. The corruption fraud and political pandering happens in the US Us Congress a long time ago. . The current economic collapsed was started way back during the FIRST Bush administration.
Also blame the problem on the GREED of Americans, individuals as well as Investors and corporations.The bad of using Credit Card and investing in High risk ventures.Every one of have contributed. Spending irrationally is the cause and effect.
The republican party speifically Phile Graham,John McCain and Tom Delay and the continuing resolution that allowed Big banking ans\d Wall Street to operate like global gambling casinos.

George Bush headed the gang of twelve that did this..

And not only them, lso the current members of the US congress have shown just how corrupt they are. Chris Dodd and Barny Franks have shown they are both bought and paid for. Blame them as well.
For many it's far easier to blame Obama, it seems that Obama haters can't decide whether to call him a socialist or a fascist. Or maybe their just to confused as to what it all means.
Republicans want to be taken seriously? You can start by stopping this constant shriek of socialist-marxist-communist-nazi. It really, really makes you all look dumb as rocks. Desperate and dumb.

When you all are ready to talk like adults again, Americans will listen. If not, don't bother me.
The Republican's "Obama Must Fail" strategy didn't work?

Shucks, It looks like the Big assed Glenn Beck and El Rushbo will have to shut their fat gobs - to the relief of all.

The real reason for the rage: Americans aren't racist - they're just furious at Obama and Washington

Jimmy Carter deserves our respect. As a political analyst - attributing racism to the anger at President Obama - he is irresponsibly inaccurate. Obama's popularity hasn't tumbled because he's black. It's tumbled because he has come to represent Washington instead of those who sent him there. I know this because of a 6,400-person interview survey I conducted.

This is correct. Every president and former president deserves respect because of the office he holds or held. Respect does not equate to high regard, however. I can be respectful to someone I disdain. That does not mean I have to reserve criticism

Saturday, September 19, 2009

White people hate to admit that they've done something racist

Most white Americans do not think of themselves as "racists." Indeed, that label, as commonly understood, is not a fair and accurate description of most white Americans. However, given the ongoing, de facto white supremacy of American society and its institutions, most white Americans do have racist tendencies. And as a result, these tendencies do sometimes result in racist actions.

When these racist actions happen, most white Americans will do almost anything to deny that what they did,

I'm Black and I'm Proud And I'm Glad That I Am Not White

It always irked me when people would act shocked that I would feel this way. But from my dealings with being fairly intelligent white people, I have learned that most of white's are just plain stupid, they don't think the same way as we the black folks do.
I have had some white folks come up to me and criticize me and say that I must hate being black! And when I'd ask why thet would say such a stupid thing .. They would say "well you don't act black".. Now how do I act black? I cant help it if I don't like hip hop/rap, like to read, and don’t speak in rap rhyme! In fact I have been called an Oreo by friends of mine.
So yes, I'm Black and I'm Proud And I'm Glad That I Am Not White.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What is wrong with black men these days?

What is wrong with black men these days? It's like you all are possessed and obsessed with anything other than a black woman.What's up with that? I hope you all realize that you are still enslaved and wake up to the fact that women other than black are just using you until the next "in" thing comes around. Wake up brothers and stop ignoring your beautiful sisters! We won't be here when you decide you're done "playing" house and getting your egos stroked!
You will never find a white women that will be your soul mate like a black women will.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Palestinians need a Home Land Also

The White House has announced that the US president will host three-way talks with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Tuesday.

Barack Obama is due to meet Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, separately before the three go into a joint session, the White House said.

The meeting is expected to take place in New York before a session of the United Nations General Assembly, the White House said, "to lay the groundwork for the relaunch of negotiations, and to create a positive context for those negotiations so that they can succeed".

Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian chief negotiator, welcomed Obama's personal involvment in the peace process, but indicated low Palestinian expectations for a positive outcome.

"At this point, I think President Obama must convey to the world that one side is undermining efforts to resolve the peace process," he told Al Jazeera on Sunday.

"This meeting is not about resuming negotiations. I don't think we will come out of this meeting with Netanyahu agreeing to resume negotiations or stop settlement expansion."

TPalestinians feel that we have met a lot of our obligations under previous commitments and agreements and phase one of the road map [for peace].

"Israel so far has failed to meet any of their obligations."

Areikat said that the efforts of the Obama administration were encouraging but "we will have to see what kind of discussions we will have on Tuesday

Monday, September 7, 2009

Does Israel have the right to exist?

The only way that "that right of Israel to exist" could be special if it implies the right to exist in someone else's country and in order to do so: the right to wipe Palestine off the map and the right to do all other necessary horrors to Palestinians who don't want to be dispossessed of their country, of their lives, of their most basic human rights. Of course, these issues are far away from being addressed and always denied for the benefit of Israel to have the right to exist. If the Palestinians do not have the same rights, then this situation is one of the most repugnant case of double standards, once more, the Israel's core argumentation is an insult to our collective intelligence, but again there is nothing to stop the reaping of its benefits. Will you be for or against the RIGHT of Israel to exist at your place in your own country? And when they are forced to, they'll condescend to negotiate with you some leftovers of what they stole from you at the first place. This obviously rhetorical question was just to make one approaches how one of the millions of Palestinians could feel
And by the way are you a Palestinian Nakba denier?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

President Obama's Address to America's Students: Is The Right Message

Having the President of the United States use the bully pulpit to speak to our
school children isn't new, but it's only a good use of the office if executed with a
clear vision. That vision should not be blurred by overzealous staffers who counseled
teachers to use the speech to focus on President Obama himself and not on the nation's
We have a generation of kids that are more aware of their world than any in history.
They need to hear that there are things we can do to fix schools, from rewarding great
teachers, to closing failing schools, making sure standards are high, creating bold,
expansive new schools of choice for students, and generally recognizing that no one
size fits all students anymore.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lets get out of Afghanistan, and Iraq

I admit that I am for bailing out of Afghanistan is growing. Today, The Taliban and Muslim terrorism are a bigger threat to China, Russia, Iran and Pakistan then they are to the United States Our goal is to stop Muslim terrorism not save Iraq and Afghanistan. We can't win in Afghanistan without losing at home.
Frankly, I don’t give a damn about them. . But, I do care about American lives and the rights of women. It is incomprehensible to waste American lives fighting the Taliban to protect a regime that looks an awful lot like the Taliban. If women are not equal partners, let’s pack up and leave.
Of course, the current situation traces back to President George W. Bush as most of President Obama's problems do.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have never dated outside my race.

I am married to a black lady, and she is the most incredible person in the world.
I'm certain that God won't condemn an interracial couple as long as they serve Him with their whole hearts. If a black man marries, or even dates a white woman, to me it's kind of an insult, but are they in love? But there is one thing I've come to learn: In every nationality, country, ethnicity,etc. There is a man, that is insensitive, unaffectionate, forgetful of important events, etc. But there is also in each of these, the opposite of these. And in every part of the world, there are materialistic, unreasonable women. Followed by the opposites of these. So in conclusion, if a white woman/man, or Black man/woman, married a German, Japanese, French, Mexican, etc, man or woman...would the issue be the same? Oh and FYI, Blacks are and have always been the majority. Slave owners just couldn't resist how different our beauty was, and then came the half-breeds.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Don't Blame President Obama

The number of Americans who believe that the nation is headed in the right direction has roughly tripled since Barack Obama's election, and the public overwhelmingly blames the excesses of the financial industry, rather than the new president, for turmoil in the economy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Harvard Professor Gates arrested at HIS OWN home

Race? Disorderly conduct? More likely police misconduct How easy to hide a misbehaving officer behind the heroes who do their job every day. Sure the officer was doing his job when he arrived at Dr. Gates home but once he was there he forgot for whom he was working. The officer is employed by the public. Which other employees are allowed to mistreat their employers? As soon as Dr. Gates identified himself, the authority was only his not the officer's. From that moment on, the officer was speaking to his employer and owed him all the respect afforded to him. We must not forget that police officers receive their temporary authority from the public; and that authority always belongs to the public. When the officers forget that basic premise, they begin to believe that they are the law... or worse that they are above the law.

There is a lesson in here, apologizing to the ungracious is not particularly productive. Obama over stated his support for Dr. Gates (almost every comment I’ve read in the last 2 days has also been overstated one way or another). So far as I can tell no one knows who baited who here, yet there is an amazing amount of certitude. At least Obama seems to know that he doesn’t know. This shows a level of maturity not commonly found on the internet.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oh yes , it was definitely racist.

I remember at the gym one day I was working out next to a what man who was talking to his black trainer, telling him he was not at all prejudiced against any person or color except for Jews because he felt a Jew had cheated him once. (I wonder how much was actual truth and how much was his expectation). Not that there aren't some cheating Jews out there but there are cheats of all colors and persuasions. Being married to a Jew, I was furious (one because he had the nerve to make a statement like that next to a total stranger whom he knew nothing about and two because what he was saying was total bullshit...the guy was a racist) and I stopped my workout and let him have it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Let's face it. According to a book on slavery and race. interracial relationships is a bitter past for black men. Our communities are in disarray and black folks are on this site worrying about sleeping with White folk.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sotomayor: A Black Man's View

Republican Senators, most of them, make much of Sotomayor's ... "wise Latino woman..." statement and, of course, their numerous citing of the New Haven case: one wherein Sonja Sotomayor and a panel of 2nd Circuit Judges upheld existing law related to Affirmative Action, but were reversed by the USSC. The reversal was seen as striking down policies in employment that favored minorities, but was seen by many Anglos as introducing a bias against whites. The USSC reversal, therefore, becomes a victory for white males in particular, and conservatives in general.
This term was first put out there by the Re-thug-licans favorite racist drug addict, Rush Limpdick.
Now it seems to have caught on like that late '80's saying, "gag me with a spoon."
Everybody is talking about Reverse Racism now a-days.
The latest is the Supremes ruling in favor of the WHITE FIREFIGHTERS in Connecticut.

It seems that 19 White and 1 Puerto Rican Firefighter sued the city of New Haven for discriminating against them by promoting less qualified Black Firefighters to higher positions within the department.

The Black side of me wants to say so what, who cares? How many times have Blacks been overlooked when they were more qualified that Whites and in this case a Puerto Rican?
But the Human side of me is saying, Good for them. They deserve this ruling and all the back pay that they would have accumulated up to this point, if they would have gotten the higher position that they earned.

The city of New Haven was dead wrong and I am glad that the Supremes got this one right.
Hiring or promoting to meet a quota is dead ass wrong.
If the 19 White and 1 Puerto Rican Firefighters worked harder and studied more for the Firefighters promotion test than their Black brother's did, then they deserve the promotion and the Blacks need to suck it up and work harder.

This shit should not have even made it to the Supreme's.
And in my opinion, the Black Firefighters should have stood beside their fellow Firefighters and declined the promotions.
But that would only happen in a perfect world.
All this case did was divide the Fire Department down color lines that will take years to fix.

This case is one of the problems I have with Affirmative Action. Do we still need it?
In some cases, yes we do. Affirmative Action has put (and continues to put) minorities into positions or schools that they would not have gotten a chance to be in without it.

But hiring a person just to say, 'Look my company is not racist. We have Jerome down in the mail room, Jose is in the Kitchen, Consuela is cleaning windows and Ming Chow is at the help desk', is wrong.
Me personally, I would not accept a job if I knew that I was only hired to meet a number.
Hire me for my qualifications, my education, my personality or my deep chocolate good looks.
But don't hire me just because I just happen to be African American applicant number 9.
To me that is degrading.
People have been watching Judge Judy and People's Court for twenty years now and all of a sudden everyone's an expert on judges and the court system.
But I already know that some of my brothers and sisters are going to comment talking about how the White Man has kept us down for so long that this is only pay back.
In some cases this might be true. But.....Now a days the only man holding us back is the man or woman in the mirror.
That bullshit excuse that I know is coming is nothing but tired rhetoric that condones people getting over for doing nothing to earn what ever they get.
Racism is still alive and well here in the good ole US of A, but now two can play that game. There are too many resources available to us to just accept any and everything that is thrown off the kitchen table as scraps.
So my hat is off to my White brothers and one Puerto Rican brother that won this decision.
Because me personally, if my crib is in flames, I could give two shits what color the help is.
The only thing I would be worrying about is when is Help coming.

I guess I don’t act black enough for some!

Oh yes! I have friends of mine say I was “The smartest black person [they] know!”

President Obama Tells Fellow Blacks: ‘No Excuses’ for Any Failure

President Obama delivered a fiery sermon to black America on Thursday night, warning black parents that they must accept their own responsibilities by “putting away the Xbox and putting our kids to bed at a reasonable hour,” and telling black children that growing up poor is no reason to get bad grades.“No one has written your destiny for you,” he said, directing his remarks to “all the other Barack Obamas out there”
President Barack Obama did great as usual. his remarks, steeped in his personal biography as the son of a white mother from Kansas and black father from Kenya, challenged the audience — those in the room and those beyond — to take greater responsibility for their own future. He told parents to take a more active role and residents to pay better attention to their schools.
It is going to take all Americans to fight Bigotry (wishful thinking). Some people uses bigotry as a badge. Bigotry helps build up some people self-esteem. The question arises-why is their hate? Why are blacks hated when they were enslaved,hanged for sport,and denied every right? If anybody has the right to hate ,it would be blacks. Many of those who profess top be Christians,are the worse bigots. It is going to take a true relationship with God to make a different. Laws will never change mankind heart regarding anything. Christian leader must stand up for a change,and get out of the political arena.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My President Is A Black Man, And I’m Proud

I know that many black people are proud that Obama is the president.

I have an entirely different perspective about the Obama presidency and what it represents.

Understand that Obama was supported by whites NOT BECAUSE he was black and NOT BECAUSE of his ideals but foremost because he was an Ivy-Leaguer WITH a socioeconomic affiliation that they gave credence to.

This Obama victory does not mean that America is no longer racist.
This Obama victory does not mean that America is no longer classist.

If Obama had the exact same demeanor and ideals but he was as dark as Wesley Snipes and the illegitimate son of Shaquaniffah and if he had graduated from a community college or a black college (instead of Harvard) then please believe me when I tell you that Obama WOULD NOT have been elected to the Senate…. and would NEVER HAVE been taken seriously as a presidential candidate.

Yes, socioeconomic class affiliation still matters in this country.

I keep reading blogs of black people saying that “now the barriers are shattered” and they are living on Fantasy Island because NO the class barriers are not shattered and a black boy from the projects has the same probability of being gunned down by the age of 18 as he did BEFORE November 4th… black women have the same probability of dying from HIV as they did BEFORE November 4th.

I am happy that you are happy for his victory but Obama will not change how blacks are viewed in this country as long as classism is alive and well.

Barack Obama is the President of the United States Not because he is Black, but because he was the best man for the job, and because John McCain wasn't!

I believe we as Black people have earned a right to be PROUD. Why not be proud of a man so eloquent, humble, poised and who brings people of all backgrounds together? The fact that he happens to be Black… is only icing on the cake!

Are Jewish people white?

Jews are Semites. They are not White.

Jews do follow a program analogous to biological mimicry. They like to look like their host population so they marry off their daughters to the males of the host population. The offspring, having Jewish mothers, are therefore Jews and over succeeding generations look more and more like the host population. Not only that, they have the names, manners, and customs of their fathers -- all the better to infiltrate the host population.

Nevertheless, DNA studies have shown that Jews in diverse countries have more in common genetically with Jews in other countries than they do with the host populations no matter how much they resemble the host.

The term "anti-semite" is related to Jews as much as to any other race of people.

Jews and Arabs are both Semites, so when you hear someone say: "Arabs are anti-semites." I don't think they really mean that, as they aren't against themselves, only against Jews. I think what they mean to say is "Arabs are anti-Jewish".

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Black People in America

Black people in America have suffered tremendously. We have came from Jim Crow days where Blacks had to enter restaurants through the back, drink out of separate water fountains, sit at the back of the bus, and attend unequal schools to having a Black man for president. That itself speaks volumes. Blacks or people who are a part of the African Diaspora have been discriminated against worldwide. Some places it has been worse than others. For instance, look at Apartheid in South Africa or the caste system in India and some Caribbean countries. Those instances, I’ve only read about but, I’ve witnessed racism firsthand here in America. So the pain runs deep inside me. It goes beyond the stories that I was told about Medgar Evans, Emmitt Till, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and more.
Those are the stories that we must not forget in addition to our own account of struggles because of the color of our skin.
This Obama victory does not mean that America is no longer racist. Oh No! Far from it. And that Michael Jackson opened the door for the Blacks like Obama, Tiger Woods and Oprah.
I keep reading blogs of black people saying that “now the barriers are shattered” and they are living on Fantasy Island because NO the class barriers are not shattered and a black boy from the projects has the same probability of being gunned down by the age of 18 as he did BEFORE Barack Obama was elected.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Don Imus Makes Another Racist Remark

If you hang around the chimpanzee cage at the zoo long enough, eventually they will fling feces at you, and if you listen to Don Imus long enough, eventually he will make a racist comment.

More than a year after being canned for referring to the Rutgers women`s basketball team as "nappy-headed ho`s," the shock jock is in the midst of another controversy for comments he made regarding Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam (Pacman) Jones during his "Imus in the Morning" radio show.
The only surprise is that it took months for Imus to utter a racist remark, he must be mellowing in his old age. His shtick consists of making rude, vulgar, inappropriate and racist remarks, it was only a matter of time...

"The latest comments by Imus to come under scrutiny were aired on Monday`s broadcast. During a conversation about Jones` run-ins with the law, Imus asked, `What color is he?` Sports announcer Warner Wolf said Jones, formerly known as Pacman, is African-American. Imus responded: `There you go. Now we know.`"
Why has Pacman been arrested multiple times? A racist will see Pacman`s black skin as the only explanation required.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Barack Obama is where he is today because he COMMITTED HIMSELF TO EXCELLENCE.

Barack Obama is the President of the United States because he was the best man for the job.

I think that we limit ourselves if we look for reason why some of “us” may be different than Barack Obama, rather than looking for the parallels and building upon them. What I feel Barack has done for Black America is that he has given us (especially our youth) a reason to believe IN THEMSELVES. Barack Obama is where he is today because he COMMITTED HIMSELF TO EXCELLENCE. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he earned his socioeconomic status and proved that a commitment to excellence, along with audacious hope and belief in oneself can lead anyone to accomplish great things. We can’t get caught up in the mental barriers of where we’re from or what odds are stacked against us. With that mindset, we’ll continue to be stuck.

We have to have the courage and the conviction to reach for the stars. So perhaps kids in the projects won’t be able to get into Harvard, but they may be inspired to work harder in their local public school and go to an HBCU or the state college, or the city college. It’s about an improved mindset and pride in ourselves that will encourage us to pursue our highest goals. Everything in the middle is just hurdles. They CAN be overcome

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blacks discriminated agianst in America !

Up until the end of segregation they weren't allowed to use the same bathroom, drinking fountains, restaurants, anything, you name it. Schooling was a huge issue and for a long time blacks were given a really hard time during integration of schooling, especially in the south. After segregation was over up until now there is still that undercurrent of discrimination but its not as 'obvious'. We have the KKK and other such groups floating around. White supremacists. Think about why we need to have affirmative action and to say that we don't discriminate by race on job applications. Now because its very un-PC to be racist, its more difficult to spot, but its there.
They were excluded from many jobs, and white employers were very reluctant to hire black employees. Evenin times of emergency. for instance, during WW1, a lot of black nurses volunteered to go overseas and nurse the troops, but only two out of the hundreds who volunteered were allowed to go. Things hadn't got much better by the time of WW2, black women had extreme difficulty getting hired for war work for instance. The United Auto Workers surveyed 280 factories that employed women workers, and found that only 74 were willing to hire African Americans. White women often refused to work with black women. However, WW2 did see some breakthroughs for African Americans. Maya Angelou, after terrific persistence, managed to get a job as a streetcar conducotor, and in New York, in 1944, black women finall broke the colour barrier and got jobs as telephone operators.

In the south, transport, eating places, hospitals etc were segregated. In a terrible twist of irony, Dr Charles Drew, the black doctor who invented the blood bank, bled to death after an accident because there was no hospital near enough that he could be admitted to.

Segregationon transport was particularly insulting, the front seats in buses were reserved for white people, and if the bus was full, and a white person wanted a seat, a black passenger had to give up their seat no matter what their age or condition.

Schools were segregated, and when black students finally began to be admitted to white schools in the south, they were met with extreme abuse, threats and violence.

It IS getting better. The black people as a whole are finally just beginning to be considered as just...people. Like they should be. Just Americans.

"I have a Dream".

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Intergration of the Armed Forces

On 26 July 1948, President Harry S Truman signed an executive order establishing the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services. It was accompanied by Executive Order 9980, which created a Fair Employment Board to eliminate racial discrimination in federal employment.

establishing the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services. It was accompanied by Executive Order 9980, which created a Fair Employment Board to eliminate racial discrimination in federal employment.

Segregation in the military services did not officially end until the Secretary of Defense announced on 30 September 1954 that the last all-black unit had been abolished. However, the president’s directive put the armed forces (albeit reluctantly) at the forefront of the growing movement to win a fully participatory social role for the nation’s African-American citizens.

The true fulfillment of the entire scope of Executive Order 9981—equality of treatment and opportunity—actually required an additional change in Defense Department policy. This occurred with the publication of Department of Defense Directive 5120.36 on 26 July 1963, 15 years to the day after Truman signed the original order. This major about-face in policy issued by Secretary of Defense Robert J. McNamara expanded the military’s responsibility to include the elimination of off-base discrimination detrimental to the military effectiveness of black servicemen.

the military effectiveness of black servicemen.

The true fulfillment of the entire scope of Executive Order 9981—equality of treatment and opportunity—actually required an additional change in Defense Department policy. This occurred with the publication of Department of Defense Directive 5120.36 on 26 July 1963, 15 years to the day after Truman signed the original order. This major about-face in policy issued by Secretary of Defense Robert J. McNamara expanded the military’s responsibility to include the elimination of off-base discrimination detrimental to the military effectiveness of black servicemen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I believe everybody is prejudiced.

I believe that some White people resent every body that is not White because they feel that this country was founded by them for them.
Who gets all the accolades for founding this country?
Nobody with a little color in their skin. So I think that some Whites feel that we (Blacks, Hispanics and Asians)are riding the coattails of their forefathers and that we don't give them the respect they feel they deserve for providing the life we have grown accustomed to.

So I believe everybody is prejudiced.

That is why it burns me up to hear White people talk bad about the current President, even though I have talked bad about the former President and did not think nothing of it.

That is why we have Black Neighborhoods, White Neighborhoods, Hispanic Neighborhoods and Asian Neighborhoods.

That is why I am not considered just an American, even though I was born and raised on American soil and cannot trace my roots farther than the coast of North Carolina.

Instead I am called an African American even though I do not speak any African Dialect, I do not have any African relatives and the closest I have ever been to Africa, is to the Africans I work with every day.

That is why we hear shit that was supposed to be said in private around people that were supposed to be "like minded", leaked to the world for all to hear.

Everybody is biased towards anyone that looks or thinks like them and could give a damn about anybody that does no

Sunday, May 10, 2009

No Place for Monkey Business

I'd grown up in a segregated neighborhood . I’d only had two white teachers during my entire public school education. I knew no whites socially; for me, they were only characters on TV.

When I arrived on college campus, where only 600 of the school’s 33,000 students were Black, I had some adjusting to do—as did many of the whites who had grown up in rural communities where the Ku Klux Klan had thrived a couple of generations earlier and continued to maintain a presence in the mid-60s.

Our men’s room in our men's dorm was wide open. There was no place to hide. The toilet stalls had no doors. The shower heads were side by side with no petitions between them.

I hadn’t been in my new home away from home for a week before I picked up on something. The farm boys were stealing peeks at me as I stood under the shower facing the wall. I casually mentioned this curious behavior to one of the white students who’d befriended me. He explained that the stolen glances were the product of rural legends. Their elders had told the farm boys that Negroes had tails. They were straining to spot mine.

I am reminded of this early experience in my college education by the current resurgence of racism we are seeing now that we were blessed to have a black president.

When the New York Post ran the unfunny, tasteless, racist cartoon—you saw it, the one with a white cop holding a smoking gun as he and his partner stand next to the dead body of a bullet-hole ridden, bloody monkey--the Black man as primate once again has been spoon fed to the public's psyche. The NAACP has been fighting this sort of ugly, vicious stereotyping for the past 100 years, and the image assault on Blacks in America was being waged 100 years and more before the venerable civil organization was founded to fight it.

Rupert Murdock offered an unprecedented personal apology for his newspaper’s offensive cartoon in what amounted to a too little, too late gesture. The NAACP began a full-blown counter offensive today on the media baron’s empire, highlighting how token diversity is throughout News Corp. Benjamin Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, and Julian Bond, the chairman, have made a strong argument that the cartoon, captioned, “They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill,” which ran in juxtaposition to a photograph of Barack Obama signing the legislation, was encouraging the assassination of the POTUS.

I’m not convinced inciting murder was the intent of cartoonist Sam Delonas or the New York Post editor who green-lighted the tasteless cartoon. But it’s been eight years since New York’s rightwing rag has had a Black editor in the chain of command that could have red-flagged the chimp cartoon.

Unfortunately, it’s not the first time Obama has magically morphed into a monkey. Last May, a Georgia barkeeper sold T-shirts with a picture of Curious George and Obama 08 printed on them.

But simple-minded stereotypes of Blacks aren’t confined to U.S. borders. There’s the chimp-like cartoon character Memin Pinguin so beloved by Mexicans.Memin Pinguin

Even in the Middle East, they can’t resist the temptation to monkey around with the African American image. Today, I saw an email complaining of yet another primate visual. This one featured Condoleezza Rice pregnant, carrying a baby simian inside her stomach.

What can I say? From the American South to south of the border, from the Middle East to the East Coast, racist ignorance abounds when it comes to symbolism and iconology.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eric Holder's Speech on Race

It was all too predictable that Attorney General Eric Holder would be attacked for his recent remarks about race in America. To suggest that the nation is still haunted by the specter of racism is unacceptable it seems, especially since, with the election of President Barack Obama, we have ostensibly entered the "post-racial" era.

But in truth, Holder deserves criticism more for what he didn't say than for what he did.

Specifically, Holder blamed personal cowardice for our racial divide, rather than institutionalized inequities, thereby minimizing his own department's role in solving the problem; and he blamed everyone (and thus no one in particular) for being cowards, thereby letting white Americans -- who have always been the ones least willing to engage the subject -- off our uniquely large hook.

The racial divide about which Holder spoke, particularly in terms of the neighborhoods where people live, is not the result of some abstract cowardice to engage one another. Rather, it is about the racist fears of whites, who decades ago began leaving neighborhoods when blacks began to move in.

Most whites are thinking about prejudice! Message boards and Blogs are swarmed most by people with complaints, people with an agenda one-dimensional views about white Americans.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

"And don't call me a racist!"

No I'm not a racist, but I’ve noticed that all racist bigots think like Rush Limbaugh. Comparing a respected black politician and minister to common criminals is Jim Crow racism. Maybe all black people look alike to him, but I’ve never seen a picture of a wanted criminal that looks like Jesse Jackson. But to me a serial killer looks more like Rush Limbaugh .

Friday, April 17, 2009

White Americans just can't swallow the idea of a black president. Especially one with Islamic sounding name. Why don’t you hang the storm trooper unif

White Americans just can't swallow the idea of a black president. Especially one with Islamic sounding name. Why don’t you hang the storm trooper uniform in the closet. Take off you white hood and robe. Reverently fold your Confederate flag and put it away for now. And wake up, this is the new Amerika. You chicken’s have come home to roost!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Are The Jews REALLY The Black Man's Friend? Think About It.

It's time to bring the real haters into this discussion.

Of course that would be the Jews.
During the Inquisition, many jews fled to the English and Spanish colonies in the "New World". They took their significant capital with them, and started to trade in the commodities of the age. Jewish merchants controlled the Spanish and Portuguese slave trade, as well as the Dutch East and West Indian companies.

The vast majority of slave ships were owned by Jews, and at the beginning these ships were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains. Later, as the Jews assumed a more protected (affluent) position in this dirty business did they ensnare gentiles (Europeans, blacks, etc.) to do this dangerous work.

The majority of slave auctions were conducted by and for Jews. Even in the English colonies, entire communities of Jews formed in port towns (Charleston, Baltimore, Newport.

Minister Louis Farrakhan & the Jews
"In my hands is a manuscipt brothers and sisters, that arose out of the controversy between myself and the Jewish community. I want to tell all of you I have never been antisemitic. I have never been a hater of Jews, nor am I now that, but I discovered in my tussle with them that they were on me because I had the nerve to pull the cover off of some deceitful practices that they practice on us and on others. And so they tried to make me the worst Black man in history. When they did that, some Muslims in the Nation rose up to defend me and went into libraries and did research and compiled a manuscript of over 300 pages from their own writings not from us. And not one scholar that we quote is an antisemite. Here are Jewish rabbis, Jewish scholars, Jewish writers. They document their own hand in the slave trade. They document their own hand in owning the ships, running the ships, buying and selling our fathers - it's here.

Yea but damn it's so true.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't Blame Obama, the Jews Responsible for the Recession.

I truly believe that the recession is neither Bush's nor Obama's fault, although I would put a substantial portion of blame on the Fed mostly mostly the Jewish bankers like Greenspan for keeping interest rates so low as to encourage too much private debt. A more honest assessment of how we got to where we are would be to blame Barney Frank for encouraging and rewarding risky home loans to unqualified borrowers. Also "irrational exuberance" in the ability of the US economy to create high rates of return for all the money pouring into Wall Street from IRA's and foreign creditors based on the false belief that there is no limit to our ability to innovate. And add Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz to the list. , ,,

My Thoughts

I'm more of a cultural purist than racist but I agree with most racist philosophies outside of the blacks are inferior stuff..I don't believe whites are inferior. In fact I have many white friends

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes We Can!

From sitting in the backs of the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.
A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination.And this year, we have won an election and put a Black Man in the Oval Office of the White House.America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do.