Friday, July 17, 2009

President Obama Tells Fellow Blacks: ‘No Excuses’ for Any Failure

President Obama delivered a fiery sermon to black America on Thursday night, warning black parents that they must accept their own responsibilities by “putting away the Xbox and putting our kids to bed at a reasonable hour,” and telling black children that growing up poor is no reason to get bad grades.“No one has written your destiny for you,” he said, directing his remarks to “all the other Barack Obamas out there”
President Barack Obama did great as usual. his remarks, steeped in his personal biography as the son of a white mother from Kansas and black father from Kenya, challenged the audience — those in the room and those beyond — to take greater responsibility for their own future. He told parents to take a more active role and residents to pay better attention to their schools.
It is going to take all Americans to fight Bigotry (wishful thinking). Some people uses bigotry as a badge. Bigotry helps build up some people self-esteem. The question arises-why is their hate? Why are blacks hated when they were enslaved,hanged for sport,and denied every right? If anybody has the right to hate ,it would be blacks. Many of those who profess top be Christians,are the worse bigots. It is going to take a true relationship with God to make a different. Laws will never change mankind heart regarding anything. Christian leader must stand up for a change,and get out of the political arena.


  1. I see to the right: "We don’t have to bow down to George Bush anymore"

    No one should have bowed down to George W. Bush, and no one should bow down to Barack Obama. Anyone who did either needs a Civics 101 course. The US president is not a king, and does not deserve to be treated like one. They are supposed to be public servants.

    " You gotta have Black History like you have white history — President’s Day, Lincoln’s birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas"

    Actually, Christmas is not a white history day.

    ....have a good day.

  2. got to agree with dmarks here. also, why was it a message to black parents? i think all parents and kids could benefit from that advice. greater personal responsibility is the answer as you point out. does the bigot comment include rev. j. wright? are you also calling for him to leave the political arena? i'm not really trying to brow beat you here, but i would have thought blacks would celebrate Lincoln's birthday with the emancipation proclamation and all. Obama liked him enough to be sworn in on his BIBLE.
    are there no black christians that celebrate christmas? some of your own comments seem steeped in bigotry. i think you're better than that, based on reading some of your other stuff.
